You can read about a card in the documentation and quickly locate it within the cards grid and vice versa The deck editor and the help are content sensitive in both direction.Abilities - cards are ordered in a tree structure by their abilities and mechanics.Incremental search by card name - just type within the card grid to locate the needed card.Filter which hides the duplicated cards with the same name and leaves only the card from the latest editions.Filters can be reopened and edited visually Filters will be saved as *.flt files for later use.Filter cards which produce 1 green mana -> Birds of Paradise) Filters by card abilities (flying, trample, etc.).Filers by card CMC (Converted Mana Cost).Filtering by card's format, edition, legality, power, toughness, card name, rules, flavor text, artist, color, card type.Card Pool filters - All Cards, Mtg Online, Mtg Interactive Encyclopedia, Shandalar, Magic Workstation, Magic Suitcase valid cards.Advanced user-friendly visual filtering.Card Art Validator - unique in-build tool for validating the available card art images against the MTG Studio card database.Card images are downsized (if bigger than the viewable area) using Photoshop quality bicubic algorithm and text anti-aliasing and smoothing.Card Preview for images from MTG Interactive Encyclopedia.Card Preview for large Card Art images stored in multiple directories and ordered by preference.Recognized card art image formats - *.jpg, *.png.MTG Studio can display local copy of the card art images stored on one of your drives.Card art is automatically downloaded from Internet from various providers.Read user reviews on cards - the feature requires active Internet connection.
#Hq mtg card images how to
Over 50 700 card combos with details on how to use them.Over 12 600 pages of card information such as frequently asked questions, card name lexicon, card gameplay suggestions, combos, rules, Oracle rules, and Flavor texts and more.Support for official Wizards of the Coast Oracle™ rules.For those cards which do not have card rulings, automatically rulings are generated. Card Rulings are syntax highlighted, can be printed or exported to.
#Hq mtg card images full