Major requirements (58-60 units) Pre-Major requirements (12 units) CFS 31, 39, 100, and 153. The IEEE symbol for the cubic foot per minute is ft 3/min. Bachelor of Science in Child and Family Science - Child Development Option. The flow or discharge of rivers, i.e., the volume of water passing a location per unit of time, is commonly expressed in units of cubic feet per second or cubic metres per second.Ĭusec is a unit of flow rate, used mostly in the United States in the context of water flow, particularly of rivers and canals.Ĭonversions: 1 ft 3s −1 = 0.028316847 m 3⋅s −1 = 28.316847 L⋅s −1 = 1.699 m 3⋅min −1 = 1699 L⋅min −1 Cubic foot per minute The following other abbreviations are also sometimes used:
The IEEE symbol for the cubic foot per second is ft 3/s.
#Cfs units software
For other uses, see Canadian University Software Engineering Conference. TCF: Trillion cubic feet i.e, 1 000 000 000 000 ft 3Ĭubic foot per second and related flow rates Hydraulic radius will have units of length.It was found that prior to the unit, most people were unaware that the CFS did more than just bush fires. The CFS Promotions Unit was formed in 1994 to promote the role of the CFS and the volunteers that make the CFS the great organisation that it is. TMC is usually used for referring to storage capacity and actual storage volume of storage dams. The CFS Promotions Unit A short history of the Unit Officially launched - Sunday August 28th 1994.BCF or TMC: Billion or thousand million cubic feet i.e., 1 000 000 000 ft 3.MMCF: Mille mille cubic feet i.e., 1 000 000 ft 3.MCF: Mille (Latin thousand) cubic feet i.e., 1000 ft 3.Used in the billing of natural gas and water delivered to households.CCF or HCF: Centum (Latin hundred) cubic feet i.e., 100 ft 3.Larger multiples are in common usage in commerce and industry in the USA: The following abbreviations are used: cubic feet, cubic foot, cubic ft, cu feet, cu foot, cu ft, cu.ft, cuft, cb ft, cb.ft, cbft, cbf, feet 3, foot 3, ft 3, feet/-3, foot/-3, ft/-3. The IEEE symbol for the cubic foot is ft 3. JSTOR ( December 2019) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message).Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. The rating curve represents the actual flow, in CFS (Cubic Feet Per Second) or KCFS (Thousands of Cubic Feet Per Second) for a particular. Flow on a hydrograph is related to stage by a rating curve. Flow is the streamflow or discharge of water along a defined natural channel. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Ratings and Unit Hydrographs (yaxis2info.php) Return to Hydrograph. This section needs additional citations for verification.